Category Archives: quizzes

the compulsion to take every little quiz

Why do I feel compelled to take every little quiz and test I come across?  There must be a test to determine why on earth I do this!

A simple personality test is floating around the internet.  If you are like me – and absolutely mustmust take this little test.  Here ’tis!

It figures that I am a Neither/Nor . . .

An in-between type of personality . . .

I’m complicated, sentimental, lovable, honest, loyal, decent, generous, likable, and lonely. My personality is not split; it’s shredded. – Jack Paar

Always remember that you are

absolutely unique,

just like everyone else.

~ Margaret Meade

What faith are you?

Faithomatic Questions

My Troth ancestors were of the Quaker persuasion.  My maternal grandmother’s mother was Catholic.  My Williams family (in the 1700s) was Separatist Baptist.  I grew up Southern Baptist and am now a Methodist.  My husband and I were married in the Episcopalian Church.  My Cherokee however-many-great uncle, Stephen Foreman, went to Princeton Seminary and became a Baptist preacher.  It is certain that before that time these Cherokee ancestors worshiped in a different way.  In each of my families, there were preachers – of different denominations.

It is quite likely that my Coca ancestors were Shepardic Jews (haven’t done all of the research on this Coca family who came from Spain to Mexico to New Mexico but all indications are that they were indeed Jews who were forced to leave Spain).


My results (not certain the criteria for this brief questionnaire):

  • Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
  • Orthodox Quaker (95%)
  • Liberal Quakers (85%)

Faith, mighty faith, the promise

sees, And looks to God alone;

Laughs at impossibilities,

And cries

it shall be done.

– Charles Wesley


Why do I always feel that I must take every little quiz/test that appears on the internet?? 

Personality. Type of blog. Interests.

You name it: I see a list of questions and I am compelled to answer.  What is wrong with me?? [Reader: I don’t really want an answer . . . it would probably just set me off on a quest for a list of questions to answer the answer!]


all the tests

me – getting to know myself


“The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” – Thales of Miletus

Know thyself” (Greek: γνώθι σεαυτόν or gnothi seauton)

The Personality Test

my other blog

lifeinseguin_blog.Obviously my Life in Seguin blog comes from a different ‘place’. . . we (all of us) have many  and varied interests.  That is what makes life connections so much fun and fascinating, I think!

What personality is that blog?

What type of personality blogs?   Go to the Typealyzer site to find out your blog’s persuasion.

I doubt that my analysis was totally accurate – for I use excerpts and quotes – especially for the book/reading posts.  However, taking the test was fun, nevertheless.

And I KNOW I’01_analyzer_blog.m not mathematical!!


One size doesn’t fit all

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator provides a “shorthand” to identify different personality types.

Kathy Coffey writes that
An extravert (E) is a person who turns to other people as a source of energy.  The introvert (I) recovers in solitude the energy that other people drain.  The distinction describes preference: of course extraverts like to be alone, and at times introverts enjoy company.  But for the most part, the former chooses breadth, the latter depth; the former external events, the latter internal movements; the former interaction, the latter concentration.  In this country, extraverts make up about 75 percent of the population, introverts about 25 percent.

A sensate preference (S) means that a person wants facts, practical experience, sensible, actual happenings.  The “sensible” person (75 percent of the population) notices details and values the wisdom of the past.  An intuitive person (N) finds appeal in innovation, metaphor, dreams, and imagery.  He or she acts on intuitions and is intrigued by the possibility of the future.  Intuitives comprise about 25 percent of the population.

People who are more comfortable making choices on a personal, relational, values-driven basis are called the feeling types (F).  This is the only category that seems to be influenced by gender; six out of ten women report this preference.  More men than women (six out of ten) report the thinking preference (T); that is, they make decisions based on objective, logical principles.

People who like to keep things open and fluid are the perceiving types (P).  They like to gather lots of information before making decisions and regard deadlines as “more a signal to start than to complete a project.”  The judging types (J) like closure and push toward decisions; they take deadlines seriously.

Once people have established their preferences in each of these four areas, they then run the string of initials together; so someone might refer to herself as an “ENFP” or an “ISTJ.”  This brief overview cannot consider the subtleties of the different personality types, but often people will recognize themselves immediately when they read descriptions of their own types.  Suddenly they understand that they are not alone, that they are not strange.  They are simply different, and the tool helps them appreciate the wide variety in human beings.

An adapted Myers-Briggs test is at this site.  This is not as involved as the professional Myers-Briggs indicator; all I remember about myself when I answered those questions (the ‘professional’ set of questions) and received the analysis was that I was ‘introverted’ and ‘judging’ and ‘feeling’ . . . [not that anyone – except perhaps me! – is interested in how I tested].

Postscript:  NOW I remember INFJ – that’s me.

What personality type are you??


Question of the Day

How did you meet your spouse?   How long did you know each other before you were married?  Can you describe your wedding?


Every now and then I receive an e-mail question or quiz  that is being circulated among friends.  Recently the above question arrived in my e-mail box.  It makes one think back and remember a specific time.

A friend who has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s [Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)] disease is sharing some of her junior high and high school memories. I am thoroughly enjoying her reminisces.

Our stories.

Our memories.

We all have stories and I feel it is important to leave some sort of  story regarding our lives for our children and grandchildren.  Why?  Because I know that I have wanted to know about my parents and grandparents and ancestors.   I’m also interested in my friends’ stories; we have so much to share and often our stories are shared experiences – the times we were with one another.  These are good memories.

I welcome friends’ answers to the above question in this posting.  Tell!


My answer:

  • I met my husband at a little hamburger ‘joint’ in Farmington, New Mexico.  He came to the Four Corners Area when this area experienced a huge oil and gas ‘boom.’  This was a very busy time in this part of the country and it was a teenage practice to ‘cruise’ Main Street – going from one end of town (The Chicken Shack) to the other end of town (The Chicken Hut).  A carload of guys parked by our car filled with teenage girls and we all struck up a conversation – and one thing led to another.
  • We were married almost three years later.
  • We eloped!  All the way to Aztec, New Mexico – to the Presbyterian Church.  A couple in the congregation were our witnesses.
